1. Loading data¶
- das_ice.io.dask_Terra15(fname, timezone=datetime.timezone.utc, **kwargs)¶
Open data using xarray dask
- Parameters:
timezone (timezone) – default (timezone.utc)
- das_ice.io.dask_febus(filenames, timezone=datetime.timezone.utc, concat_dim='time', **kwargs)¶
Load and combine multiple Febus DAS files using dask_febus_one_file.
- Parameters:
filenames – List of file paths to process.
timezone (timezone object) – Timezone for datetime conversion (default: UTC).
concat_dim – Dimension along which to concatenate the data (default: ‘time’).
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to dask_febus_one_file.
- Returns:
Combined xarray.DataArray object.
- das_ice.io.dask_febus_one_file(fname, timezone=datetime.timezone.utc, **kwargs)¶
Open and process Febus DAS data using xarray with dask.
- Parameters:
fname – File name or pattern to load with xarray.
timezone (timezone object) – Timezone for datetime conversion (default: UTC).
kwargs – Additional arguments for xarray.open_mfdataset.
- Returns:
xarray DataArray with time and distance coordinates.
- das_ice.io.read_Terra15(fname, timezone=datetime.timezone.utc)¶
Open file from Terra15 version 6 using xdas loader
- Parameters:
timezone (timezone) – default (timezone.utc)
2. Processes DAS Data¶
- das_ice.processes.local_spectrogram(da, win, t_start, dB=True, **kwargs)¶
Wrapper of scipy.signal.welch to performed PSD spectrogram
- Parameters:
self (xr.DataArray)
win (int) – time length in seconds
t_start (str) – data for the start
dB (bool) – value in dB
- das_ice.processes.std_local(da, nt=6, nx=4, ax_t='time', ax_x='distance')¶
Compute local standard deviation for a DataArray
- Parameters:
da (xr.DataArray) – Variable on which compute the local standard deviation
nt (int) – number of element in ax_t direction (default: 6)
nx (int) – number of element in ax_x direction (default: 4)
ax_t (string) – ax_t axis (default: ‘time’)
ax_x (string) – ax_x axis (default: ‘distance’)
- das_ice.processes.strain_rate(da, ax_d='distance')¶
Compute strain rate from velocity mesurement
- Parameters:
da (xr.DataArray) – Variable on which compute differentiate
ax_d (string) – axis for differentiate (default: ‘distance’)
3. Plot DAS Data¶
- das_ice.plot.all_trace(da)¶
Plot all the trace using plotly. The number of trace should not be to high.
- das_ice.plot.viz_two_time_series(s1, s2)¶
Visualize two time series in separate subplots with linked zooming.
- Parameters:
s1 (xr.DataArray) – First time series DataArray (e.g., original signal)
s2 (xr.DataArray) – Second time series DataArray (e.g., STA/LTA ratio)
- Returns:
Plotly figure object with two subplots
- Return type:
4. Filter DAS Data¶
- exception das_ice.signal.filter.DecimationWarning¶
Custom warning for decimation issues.
- __weakref__¶
list of weak references to the object
- das_ice.signal.filter.bandpass(da, lowcut, highcut, order=4, axis='time')¶
Apply a bandpass filter to an xarray.DataArray along a specified axis lazily, compatible with Dask.
Parameters: da : xarray.DataArray
Input DataArray to be filtered. Can be Dask-backed for lazy evaluation.
- lowcutfloat
Low cutoff frequency for the bandpass filter.
- highcutfloat
High cutoff frequency for the bandpass filter.
- orderint, optional
Order of the Butterworth filter. Default is 4.
- axisstr, optional
The dimension along which to apply the filter. Default is ‘time’.
Returns: xarray.DataArray
The bandpass-filtered DataArray, computed lazily if Dask-backed.
- das_ice.signal.filter.decimate(da, q_int, axis='time')¶
Decimate an xarray.DataArray or Dataset along a specified axis by a given interval.
Parameters: da : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
The input data to be decimated.
- q_intint
The decimation interval. Must be a positive integer.
- axisstr, optional
The dimension name along which to decimate. Default is ‘time’.
Returns: xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset
The decimated data.
Raises: ValueError:
If q_int is not a positive integer.
5. Event detection¶
- das_ice.signal.picker.find_event(sta_lta, on, off)¶
Detect events based on the STA/LTA ratio exceeding given thresholds.
- Parameters:
sta_lta (xr.DataArray) – Short-Term Average to Long-Term Average (STA/LTA) ratio
on (float) – Threshold for the ‘on’ event (when STA/LTA exceeds this value)
off (float) – Threshold for the ‘off’ event (when STA/LTA drops below this value)
- Returns:
DataArray of event detections (1 for event, 0 for no event)
- Return type:
- das_ice.signal.picker.sta_lta(da, sta_t, lta_t)¶
Compute the Short-Term Average to Long-Term Average (STA/LTA) ratio for a DataArray.
- Parameters:
da (xr.DataArray) – Input DataArray containing the signal data
sta_t (float) – Time window for the short-term average (STA) in seconds
lta_t (float) – Time window for the long-term average (LTA) in seconds
- Returns:
DataArray containing the STA/LTA ratio
- Return type:
6. Metadata for DAS¶
- das_ice.metadata.optic_length(da, metadata_optic, dist='distance')¶
Compute optic length from metadata
- das_ice.metadata.optic_length_plot(da)¶
Plot optic length data